These rules shall apply to all persons who generate, collect, receive, store, transport, treat, dispose, or handle bio medical waste in any form including hospitals, nursing homes, clinics, dispensaries, veterinary institutions, animal houses, pathological laboratories, blood banks, ayush hospitals, clinical establishments, research or educational institutions, health camps, medical or surgical camps, vaccination camps, blood donation camps, first aid rooms of schools, forensic laboratories and research labs.
It shall be the duty of every occupier to-
(a) take all necessary steps to ensure that bio-medical waste is handled without any adverse effect to human health and the environment and in accordance with these rules.
(b) make a provision within the premises for a safe, ventilated and secured location for storage of segregated biomedical waste in colored bags or containers in the manner as specified in Schedule I, to ensure that there shall be no secondary handling, pilferage of recyclables or inadvertent scattering or spillage by animals and the bio-medical waste from such place or premises shall be directly transported in the manner as prescribed in these rules to the common bio-medical waste treatment facility or for the appropriate treatment and disposal, as the case may be, in the manner as prescribed in Schedule-I;
(c) pre-treat the laboratory waste, microbiological waste, blood samples and blood bags through disinfection or sterilisation on-site in the manner as prescribed by the World Health Organisation (WHO) or guidelines on Safe management of wastes from health care activities and WHO Blue Book, 2014 and then sent to the Common bio-medical waste treatment facility for final disposal;
(d) phase out use of chlorinated plastic bags (excluding blood bags) and gloves by the 27th March, 2019;
(e) dispose of solid waste other than bio-medical waste in accordance with the provisions of respective waste management rules made under the relevant laws and amended from time to time;
(f) not to give treated bio-medical waste with municipal solid waste;
(g) provide training to all its health care workers and others, involved in handling of bio medical waste at the time of induction and thereafter at least once every year and the details of training programmes conducted, number of personnel trained and number of personnel not undergone any training shall be provided in the Annual Report;
(h) immunise all its health care workers and others, involved in handling of bio-medical waste for protection against diseases including Hepatitis B and Tetanus that are likely to be transmitted by handling of bio-medical waste, in the manner as prescribed in the National Immunisation Policy or the guidelines of the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare issued from time to time;
(i) establish a Bar- Code System for bags or containers containing bio-medical waste to be sent out of the premises or for the further treatment and disposal in accordance with the guidelines issued by the Central Pollution Control Board by 27th March, 2019;
(j) ensure segregation of liquid chemical waste at source and ensure pre-treatment or neutralisation prior to mixing with other effluent generated from health care facilities;
(k) ensure treatment and disposal of liquid waste in accordance with the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 ( 6 of 1974);
(l) ensure occupational safety of all its health care workers and others involved in handling of biomedical waste by providing appropriate and adequate personal protective equipments;
(m) conduct health check up at the time of induction and at least once in a year for all its health care workers and others involved in handling of bio- medical waste and maintain the records for the same;
(n) maintain and update on day-to-day basis the bio-medical waste management register and display the monthly record on its website according to the bio-medical waste generated in terms of category and colour coding as specified in Schedule I;
(o) report major accidents including accidents caused by fire hazards, blasts during handling of biomedical waste and the remedial action taken and the records relevant thereto, (including nil report) in Form I (Size: 196 KB, Format: PDF, Language: English) to the prescribed authority and also along with the annual report;
(p) all the health care facilities (any number of beds) shall make available the annual report on its web-site within a period of two years from the date of publication of Bio-Medical Waste Management (Amendment) Rules, 2018;
(q) inform the prescribed authority immediately in case the operator of a facility does not collect the bio-medical waste within the intended time or as per the agreed time;
(r) establish a system to review and monitor the activities related to bio-medical waste management, either through an existing committee or by forming a new committee and the Committee shall meet once in every six months and the record of the minutes of the meetings of this committee shall be submitted along with the annual report to the prescribed authority and the healthcare establishments having less than thirty beds shall designate a qualified person to review and monitor the activities relating to bio-medical waste management within that establishment and submit the annual report;
(s) maintain all record for operation of incineration, hydro or autoclaving etc., for a period of five years;
(t) existing incinerators to achieve the standards for treatment and disposal of bio-medical waste as specified in Schedule II for retention time in secondary chamber and Dioxin and Furans within two years from the date of this notification.
Treatment and disposal
(1) Bio-medical waste shall be treated and disposed of in accordance with Schedule I, and in compliance with the standards provided in Schedule-II by the health care facilities and common bio-medical waste treatment facility.
(2) Occupier shall hand over segregated waste as per the Schedule-I to common bio-medical waste treatment facility for treatment, processing and final disposal: Provided that the lab and highly infectious bio-medical waste generated shall be pre-treated by equipment like autoclave or microwave.
(3) No occupier shall establish on-site treatment and disposal facility, if a service of ` common biomedical waste treatment facility is available at a distance of seventy-five kilometer.
(4) In cases where service of the common bio-medical waste treatment facility is not available, the Occupiers shall set up requisite biomedical waste treatment equipment like incinerator, autoclave or microwave, shredder prior to commencement of its operation, as per the authorisation given by the prescribed authority.
(5) Any person including an occupier or operator of a common bio medical waste treatment facility, intending to use new technologies for treatment of bio medical waste other than those listed in Schedule I shall request the Central Government for laying down the standards or operating parameters.
(6) On receipt of a request referred to in sub-rule (5), the Central Government may determine the standards and operating parameters for new technology which may be published in Gazette by the Central Government.
(7) Every operator of common bio-medical waste treatment facility shall set up requisite biomedical waste treatment equipments like incinerator, autoclave or microwave, shredder and effluent treatment plant as a part of treatment, prior to commencement of its operation.
(8) Every occupier shall phase out use of chlorinated plastic bags within two years from the date of publication of these rules and after two years from such publication of these rules, the chlorinated plastic bags shall not be used for storing and transporting of bio-medical waste and the occupier or operator of a common bio-medical waste treatment facility shall not dispose of such plastics by incineration and the bags used for storing and transporting biomedical waste shall be in compliance with the Bureau of Indian Standards. Till the Standards are published, the carry bags shall be as per the Plastic Waste Management Rules, 2016.
(9) After ensuring treatment by autoclaving or microwaving followed by mutilation or shredding, whichever is applicable, the recyclables from the treated bio-medical wastes such as plastics and glass shall be given to such recyclers having valid authorisation or registration from the respective prescribed authority.
(10) The Occupier or Operator of a common bio-medical waste treatment facility shall maintain a record of recyclable wastes referred to in sub-rule (9) which are auctioned or sold and the same shall be submitted to the prescribed authority as part of its annual report. The record shall be open for inspection by the prescribed authorities.
(11) The handling and disposal of all the mercury waste and lead waste shall be in accordance with the respective rules and regulations.
The Punjab Pollution Control Board has been designated as the prescribed authority under the said Rules for implementation of these Rules in the State of Punjab.
Every occupier or operator handling bio-medical waste, irrespective of the quantity shall make an application in Form II (Size: 162 KB, Format: PDF, Language: English)to the prescribed authority i.e. State Pollution Control Board and Pollution Control Committee, as the case may be, for grant of authorisation and the prescribed authority shall grant the provisional authorisation in Form III (Size: 201 KB, Format: PDF, Language: English)and the validity of such authorisation for bedded health care facility and operator of a common facility shall be synchronised with the validity of the consents.
(1) The authorisation shall be one time for non-bedded occupiers and the authorisation in such cases shall be deemed to have been granted, if not objected by the prescribed authority within a period of ninety days from the date of receipt of duly completed application along with such necessary documents.
(2) In case of refusal of renewal, cancellation or suspension of the authorisation by the prescribed authority, the reasons shall be recorded in writing: Provided that the prescribed authority shall give an opportunity of being heard to the applicant before such refusal of the authorisation.
(3) Every application for authorisation shall be disposed of by the prescribed authority within a period of ninety days from the date of receipt of duly completed application along with such necessary documents, failing which it shall be deemed that the authorisation is granted under these rules.
(4) In case of any change in the bio-medical waste generation, handling, treatment and disposal for which authorisation was earlier granted, the occupier or operator shall intimate to the prescribed authority about the change or variation in the activity and shall submit a fresh application in Form II (Size: 36 KB, Format: PDF, Language: English)for modification of the conditions of authorisation.
(1) Every occupier or operator of common bio-medical waste treatment facility shall submit an annual report to the prescribed authority in Form IV (Size: 1.9 MB, Format: PDF, Language: English) , on or before the 30th June of every year.
(2) The prescribed authority shall compile, review and analyse the information received and send this information to the Central Pollution Control Board in Form IV A (Size: 1.4 MB, Format: PDF, Language: English) before the 31st July of every year.
(3) The Central Pollution Control Board shall compile, review and analyse the information received and send this information, along with its comments or suggestions or observations to the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change on or before 31st August every year.
(4) The Annual Reports shall also be available online on the websites of Occupiers, State Pollution Control Boards and Central Pollution Control Board.
Annual Report of BMW for the yearwise
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2021 2022
(1) Every authorised person shall maintain records related to the generation, collection, reception, storage, transportation, treatment, disposal or any other form of handling of bio-medical waste, for a period of five years, in accordance with these rules and guidelines issued by the Central Government or the Central Pollution Control Board or the prescribed authority as the case may be.
(2) All records shall be subject to inspection and verification by the prescribed authority or the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change at any time.
(1) In case of any major accident at any institution or facility or any other site while handling bio-medical waste, the authorised person shall intimate immediately to the prescribed authority about such accident and forward a report within twenty-four hours in writing regarding the remedial steps taken in Form I (Size: 162 KB, Format: PDF, Language: English) .
(2) Information regarding all other accidents and remedial steps taken shall be provided in the annual report in accordance with rule 13 by the occupier.
Name, Address & Contact details of operating CBWTF Operator in the state of Punjab
Sr. No.
Common Bio-Medical Waste Treatment Facility
Name of CBWTF
Contact Person/ Mobile no.
M/s Amritsar Envirocare Systems Pvt. Ltd
Vill. Ibban Kalan, Chabhal Road, Amritsar.
Dr. Inderpal Singh Pasricha
M/s Bio Medical Waste Treatment Plant Pvt. Ltd
Village Pangoli, Defence Road, Pathankot-
Dr. Davinder Saini
M/s Rainbow Environments (P) Ltd., Mohali
Village Baliyali, Tehsil Kharar, Distt. Mohali
Sh. Sarabjeet Singh
M/s Medicare Environmental Management Pvt. Ltd.
Opps. Central Jail, Tajpur Road, Ludhiana.
Sh. Sunil Aggarwal
5.M/s Med-Waste Solutions Pvt. LtdVillage Bidowali, Tehsil. Gidderbaha, Distt. Sr. Muktsar Sahib
Sh.Deepak Kumar, Partner
V M: +91-94782-00011
6.M/s Meridian Millieu Care Pvt. Ltd.,Village Bir Pind, Teh. Nokodar, Distt. Jalandhar
Re-distribution of area of collection of Bio-Medical Waste among the common Bio-Medical Waste Treatment Facilities in the State of Punjab:-
List of Registered Plastic Waste recyclers 06.06.2018 (Size: 4 KB, Format: PDF, Language: English)
Bio-Medical Waste Management (Amendment) Rules, 2018 (Size: 24 KB, Format: PDF, Language: English)
Presentation on "Training on Management of Bio Medical Waste" (Size: 328 KB, Format: PDF, Language: English)
(Size: 68 KB, Format: PDF, Language: English)Authorised Facility of the Board for Collection, Transportation, Treatment and disposal of Waste Hypo-fixer and x-ray Films & Rates (Size: 214 KB, Format: PDF, Language: English)
Proforma for complaint regarding non-visit by CBWTF to any HCF (Size: 569 KB, Format: PDF, Language: English)
Office Order- Regarding Grant of Authorisation to HCFs under Bio-Medical Waste Management Rules, 2016 dated 3.1.2018
Bio Medical Waste (Management & Handling) Rules, 1998 (Size: 363 KB, Format: PDF, Language: English)
Bio-Medical Waste (Management and Handling) (Amendment) Rules, 2003 (Size: 564 KB, Format: PDF, Language: English)
Bio-Medical Waste Management Rules, 2016 (Size: 331 KB, Format: PDF, Language: English)
Bio-Medical Waste Poster (Size: 186 KB, Format: PDF, Language: English)
Advertisement (Size: 34 KB, Format: PDF, Language: English) & Expression of Interest (Size: 677 KB, Format: PDF, Language: English) for setting up of 2 Common Bio-Medical Waste Treatment & Disposal Facility in the State of Punjab