LID is a leading stormwater management strategy that seeks to mitigate the impacts of runoff and stormwater pollution as close to its source as possible. In November 2011, the City of Los Angeles adopted the Stormwater LID Ordinance (Original Ordinance #181899, updated September 2015-Ordinance #183833, and updated April 2024-Ordinance #188125) to support this effort.
New development and redevelopment projects are required to incorporate LID measures into their design plans as part of their plan check review and building permit approval process. Please use the LID Portal to start your LID Counter request for plan check and other building permit related items
To begin the process, please select an option from the Applications drop down menu atop this page. Once the application has been submitted, please join the Virtual Counter System Queue to speak to our counter staff and have your submitted documents reviewed. To access the LID Virtual Counter Queue, please go to Virtual Counter Hours are 9:00AM to 4:00PM on Wednesday.
Building or grading permits that have a LADBS Payment Date of April 2nd, 2024 or after, are subject to the LID Ordinance Revision. Any building or grading permits that have a Payment Date before April 2nd, 2024 are subject to the LID Ordinance that existed on the respective Payment Date.
Procedurally, LADBS staff will review and issue the LID Clearance to building and grading permits based on the Payment Date. Any building or grading permits that have a Payment Date before April 2nd, 2024 will have the LID Clearance added for work that proposes to add, create or replace 500 SF or more ofimpervious area. Building or grading permits that have a LADBS Payment Date of April 2nd, 2024 or after, will have the LID Clearance added for work that proposes to add, create or replace 2,500 SF or more ofimpervious area. Supplemental permits submitted after April 2nd, 2024 will be subject to the LID Ordinance that the original permit was subject to.
For permits subject to the LID Ordinance Revision, please note that LID Requirements will be applicable to the projects listed below. If your project does not meet the criteria below, but the LID Clearance was added to your permit, a formal submittal to LID will be required so that we may review your plans and clear your LID Clearance as “Not Required” if applicable.
Any questions regarding the LID Ordinance Revision should be directed to: Please include the project address and permit number related to your inquiry, if any.
As of June 15, 2022, the LID Public Counter will offer same day customer services via the City of Los Angeles Virtual Counter System. To access the Virtual Counter System Queue, please go to . Please note that the Virtual Counter will serve customers on a first-come first-served basis, during normal business hours of 9:00AM to 4:00PM on Wednesday. All customers, except those with only General Questions, must first start a customer service request using the LID Plan Check Portal prior to joining the Virtual Counter System Queue.
By appointment only, the LID Public Counter now provides certain customer services virtually. Please go to to access the City of Los Angeles Appointment System to schedule an appointment. Please submit a customer service request application via the LID Plan Check Portal prior to scheduling an appointment.
For those who are unable to access our electronic services, we will continue to use the designated, Drop-off/Pick-up Area at the Figueroa Plaza Lobby (201 N Figueroa St) for your hard copy submittals as listed under the City of Los Angeles Continuity of Operations Plan for Development Services Centers until further notice.
Any general questions regarding the LID Counter Operations should be directed to: Please be sure to include the project address and permit number related to your inquiry.
As of October 19, 2020, all projects electing to submit plan check documents electronically will be required to submit through the LID Plan Check Submittal Portal located at
Please utilize the step-by-step instruction guides below to assist in establishing your LID Plan Check Submittal Portal account and for instructions on how to submit projects.
Applicants who need to obtain Plan Check Clearance from LID must submit a Plan Check Review Application via the LID Portal:
The LID Plan Check Clearance will appear as Obtain Watershed Protection Div. clearance for Low Impact Development (LID) on the Clearance Summary Worksheet issued by LADBS.
The Plan Check Review application will require the following documents:
LADBS Permit Application (Optional)
Project Drawings (Required)
LID Report and Hydrology Calculation (Large Scale Projects Only)
Ownership Grant Deed and LLC Agreement (Optional)
Plot Plan Showing Project Site and BMPs (Required)
Plan Check Fees
Review Times (As of March 1, 2024)
Plan Check applications can also be submitted via contactless drop off via the Sanitation Drop Off Bin located in the lobby of Figueroa Plaza (201 N. Figueroa St., Los Angeles, CA 90012). Dropped Off Applications should include Contact Name, Phone Number and Email.
Any questions regarding Plan Check Clearances should be directed to: Please include the project address and permit number related to your inquiry.
Applicants who need to obtain Certificate of Occupancy Clearance from LID must submit a Certificate of Occupancy Clearance Application via the LID Portal:
The LID Certificate of Occupancy Clearance will appear under the Permit & Inspection Report on the LADBS Website as Public Works- Stormwater. This clearance will also appear as Public Works- Stormwater on the Automated Certificate of Occupancy System (ACOS) issued by LADBS.
The Certificate of Occupancy application will require the following documents:
Pictures of all BMPs taken during various construction phases and at completion.
Copy of the Sanitation stamped approved plans (PDF or jpeg format)
Completed Stormwater Observation Report (SOR) Form:
Review Times (As of March 1, 2024)
Certificate of Occupancy Applications can also be submitted via contactless drop off via the Sanitation Drop Off Bin located in the lobby of Figueroa Plaza (201 N. Figueroa St., Los Angeles, CA 90012). Dropped Off Applications should include Contact Name, Phone Number and Email.
Any questions regarding Certificate of Occupancy Clearances should be directed to: Please include the project address and permit number related to your inquiry.
Applicants who need to obtain a LID Planning Case Referral Form from LID must submit a Planning Case Referral Application via the LID Portal:
The request for a Planning Case Referral Form originates with The Planning Department and is detailed in their City Planning Application Filing Instructions.
The Planning Case Referral application will require the following documents:
Proposed Architectural Plan
Review Times (As of March 1, 2024)
Any questions regarding Planning Case Referral Requests should be directed to: Please include the project address related to your inquiry.
Applicants who need to obtain a Restamp from LID must submit a Plan Restamp Application via the LID Portal:
A Plan Restamp can be requested when plans that were previously stamped and approved by LID have undergone changes that do not affect the stormwater mitigation systems approved. If the proposed changes affect the stormwater mitigation systems approved, the project must submit as a Plan Check Review Application.
The Plan Restamp application will require the following documents:
Previously Stamped LID Plan
LADBS Supplemental Permit (Optional)
Review Times (As of March 1, 2024)
Plan Restamp Applications can also be submitted via contactless drop off via the Sanitation Drop Off Bin located in the lobby of Figueroa Plaza (201 N. Figueroa St., Los Angeles, CA 90012). Dropped Off Applications should include Contact Name, Phone Number and Email.