Distribution Agreement Free

In the document, the supplier may be the person or company supplying the goods or selling them to the distributor. The distributor is an individual or business that distributes or resells goods supplied by the supplier.

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Template Overview

A Distribution Agreement is made between two parties, the Supplier and the Distributor. This document is also known as a Distributor Agreement. In the document, the supplier may be the person or company supplying the goods or selling them to the distributor. And the distributor is an individual or business that distributes or resells goods supplied by the supplier.

In the document, the Distributor and the Supplier set out the terms of the sale and distribution of the goods.

In the document, the parties state details of their relationship, such as a description of the goods being sold, payment information, whether the contract is exclusive or not, and what penalties are applied for early termination. We recommend that you include information about failures and how they should be resolved.

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How to use this template

If the supplier and the distributor wish to enter into a new distribution agreement, they may use this document.

In the document, the parties must indicate whether they are individuals or businesses, as well as their addresses and other contact information. The document must also include information on the duration of the contract, dispute resolution, applicable law, and additional distribution-related information.

A completed document should be printed and signed by both parties. We recommend keeping copies in case any future disputes arise.

Applicable law

In the US, specific-state and federal laws govern Distribution Agreements. Federal laws may restrict what items may be underlying the contract; for example, no one may not contract to sell anything illegal.